Did Donald Trump Admit To Obstructing Justice? ‘Nobody Disobeys My Orders’
Mueller says Trump was unable to obstruct justice because his aides ignored his demands to do so.
The Mueller report documented ten instances where Trump may have obstructed justice.
The report also indicates that Trump's efforts to obstruct the investigation "were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests."
On Monday, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked Donald Trump about his aides refusing his direct orders that Mueller cited.
Trump replied, “Nobody disobeys my orders.”
As he was walking away, she asked if he was worried about being impeached and he replied, "not even a little bit."
If Trump is telling the truth and everybody obeyed his orders than they did impede the investigations and obstructed justice.
Or as the British so descriptively call the same offense, Trump “perverted the course of justice.”
And that holds true whether he was successful or not.