Mark Meadows Pretends Aiding And Abetting A Crime Isn't A Crime

So much for Republicans pretending they're the party of law and order.

Top Congressional Trump defenders Mark Meadows and Gym Jordan are joined at the hip these days, pretending the law does not apply to Donald Trump. Note: these are the same two Republicans that told big pharma CEO's not to cooperate with a House Oversight Committee investigation into drug prices.

This morning they were on CNN, Mark Meadows making the bizarre argument that just telling someone to commit a crime isn't in and of itself criminal.

Does anyone think this flack would be making this same argument if a Democrat had done this same thing? Yeah, me neither:

CUOMO: But when the president goes to Don McGahn and says, you need to do this to stop this, and the guy has to threaten to resign or leave for it not to happen --

JORDAN: But -- but he didn't do it.

CUOMO: And you ignore it, I think that matters, too.

JORDAN: He didn't to it. He didn't fire Mueller. He didn't -- I mean, the president's pretty good at firing people. If he really wanted to, he would.

CUOMO: He asked McGahn to do it.

JORDAN: He didn't do it.

CUOMO: They asked McGahn to recede from his recollections. That's the language from the report.

JORDAN: But, Chris, they didn't. They didn't do it.

CUOMO: No, but asking matters, Jim.

JORDAN: That's the bottom line. And he complied that --

CUOMO: If I ask you to punch Mr. Meadows and you don't do it, the request was still wrong.

MEADOWS: Yes, the request may have been wrong, but it's not a crime unless he assaults me. So, I mean, you know, it's --

CUOMO: I'm not -- but is that our -- is that our standard? Is that why you got into public service was to prove you're not a felon?

MEADOWS: No, I think -- I think our standard is this, we need to make sure the Department of Justice and the FBI has a blindfold on when it comes to justice. And -- and when we look at that they --

CUOMO: Agreed.

MEADOWS: They should look in and go in and prosecute to the fullest extent.

Republicans prove Trump to be accurate once again when he said he could go shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters, or the support of any of his enablers like Gym Jordan and Meadows. Shame on all of them.

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