Mike's Blog Round Up
Daily links to great liberal blogs...
Already the second Monday of April, yet "March Madness" continues, finally finishing tonight w/ a competition between schools representing two states of the Confederacy that exploit slave athletic labor. This country is so confounding.
The picking economy: One man's trash, yada ... Montag tempts us to make a New York Dolls reference.
Comrade Misfit on who her prime minister isn't.
One of my favorite phrases is "Stop pretending!" (Often followed by a string of imprecations & obscenities, but that's just me.) Upyernoz examines the concept as it applies to Republican "repeal & replace" rhetoric.
Remember Mittens Romney & his poor pooping dog? Digby notes another canine political moment, as a "Blue Dog" Ohio Dem abuses a family member for political gain.
Bonus longer reading from Blue Heron Blast: Twenty yrs. in, this millenium is not going well. (I agree. Nice photography there too.)
Yes, it's Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant, back in the round-up saddle again. Submit tips to mbru (at) crooksandliars (dot) com. Not only do we read 'em, we used one!