Mike's Blog Round Up
Daily links to great liberal blog posts...
The Spies Like Us Edition.
A yr. ago, Trump went to Mt. Vernon & blathered like the buffoon he is. Alicublog examines the blather.
G'wan Trump, nominate Stephen Miller to run D.H.S. Another "Stop Pretending" item, from The Pragmatic Progressive.
Gin And Tacos on whom Republicans invite to testi-lie before Congress.
As The Day of (Tax) Judgement nears, we learn from Mad Biologist Mike that the Infernal [sic] Revenue Service's plans for a free electronic tax filing system are being thwarted by Congressweasels. Having to file for the first time in yrs. this yr., I was excited to find that The Great State of California offers just such a service, as do other developed countries. But not our Federal gov't.
Now I'm mad too, I being Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant. I'm here the rest of the wk., submit your great liberal blog posts to mbru(at)crooksandliars(.)com.