Jim Jordan Makes Fool Of Himself: 'Did You See The Mueller Report?' 'No'

Elections have consequences, and one consequence is that Jim Jordan and his Republican cohorts can't obstruct investigations or stop the truth from coming out. Womp womp!

The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing about releasing the Mueller report today and while a belligerent Rep. Jim Jordan was complaining, he made reference to knowing exactly what was in the Mueller report and then was made a fool by Rep. David Cicilline.

When Republicans like Rep. Jordan were in charge of the House, they'd go as far as investigating rug fibers to see if Hillary had ben kneeling down and praying to Allah. I kid, I kid. You know what I mean.

So watching this faux outrage from Rep. Jordan is rewarding in a sense.

Rep. Debbie Lesko, a Republican from Arizona, passed her remaining time to Jordan and he began what I have coined, his usual "whinery."

Rep. Jordan began, "I would just ask the fundamental question, why are we here?”

You are there because you and your colleagues are trying to cover up the Mueller report from the public.

Jordan continued, "It seems to me what we're hearing is, the Mueller report wasn’t what the Democrats thought it was going to be. In fact, in fact, it was just the opposite.” He went on to describe William Barr's whitewash summary in his usual pro-Trump proforma.

Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) jumped in and asked if Jordan would yield. "I only have a short question."

Cicilline said off camera, "You’ve made reference to the Mueller report. Have you seen it cause we haven’t.”

Jordan replied, "No."

"I've seen the principle findings from the Attorney General," Gym replied.

He then was asked to explain himself and he had to admit Mueller didn't exonerate Trump from obstruction of justice. "I understand the sentence you're referring to where he talks about no exoneration neither..."

Rep. David Cicilline is terrific at trolling Jordan. He's from Rhode Island, but he takes no quarter like he grew up in the schoolyards of NYC.

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