Trump Rage-Tweets About Mueller Report: 'Total Bullsh*t' - (UPDATED)

Taking his cue from Planet Fox, Trump is rage-tweeting Friday morning, claiming the "note takers" are wrong, that it's all a hoax.

Donald Trump once again used profanity to try and discredit all the evidence uncovered in the Mueller report, which should have at the least found him indicted for obstruction of justice.

Like a coward, he refused to personally testify to Mueller and instead sent in prepackaged responses and claims of lost memory to a series of written questions that the Special Counsel didn’t actually believe.

However, many of his aides and those working in the federal government did not have the option not to speak with Robert Mueller.

The evidence collected by the Special Counsel clearly shows Trump trying to obstruct justice at least 10 times and was corroborated by many of Trump's own aides (under oath). The conclusion is inescapable, even for a liar like Trump:

“At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.”

As usual, Trump attacked via Twitter:

The only bullsh*t we’ve seen is what comes out of Trump’s mouth, Twitter feed, Fox News/Fox Biz, and his crazy surrogates. In fact, these tweets are prime specimens.

Update: (Karoli) It took Trump 8 hours, but he finally finished his thought.

Hardly worth posting, but there you go.

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