Chuck Grassley's Town Hall Meltdown: 'There's No Chance To Repeal ACA Now!'

In this two-minute video, a constituent challenges Sen. Grassley on his votes to repeal the ACA. He did not take it well.

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley had a terrible town hall moment on Thursday when he was confronted by an angry constituent about the possibility the ACA will be torn down by the Supreme Court.

One attendee explained that without the ACA she would be dead in 60 days, because she needed life-sustaining medications to survive.

She asked a simple enough question: "What is your plan to keep millions like myself covered?"

As the exchange goes on, he grows more and more impatient with her challenges to him as she continues to repeat her question. Finally he starts yelling at her, "The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land and it's not going to be repealed by Congress!"

"Do you think it's going to be repealed tomorrow?" he shouted at her, as if there was no Appeals Court case pending to nullify the entire law.

She calmly pointed out that he has seven votes on the record for repeal, prompting him to snarl back, "The last time I voted for repeal was when McCain voted the other way, and there's no chance of repealing it now!"

And his reason for no repeal was simple enough. It wouldn't get through the House. So basically, he'd do it again if there was a chance?

Watch him duck and dive and never answer her question. As she says at the end of the video, "I don't know why it is so hard for him to answer that."

Oh, I think we do know why, don't we? He'd repeal it in a heartbeat if he could. Over and over again. It's the Republican way.

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