Even Fox News Can't Deny Barr's Motives

Fox News' Chris Wallace admits Barr is "clearly is protecting this president and advocating his point of view." Where does that leave the rest of us?

After the two interviews our so-called Attorney General gave to Fox News and the Wall Street Journal this week, it's undeniable: William Barr is acting as Trump's personal defense attorney and not representing the best interests of our country or the U.S. Constitution.

As TPM notes, he's adopted all of the common talking points, including "no collusion," "rats" and the FBI "putting their thumb on the scale" to disadvantage Trump. Which is absurd, since the only investigation anyone knew about during the election was the one of Hillary's emails.

Even Fox News anchor Chris Wallace had to take note of it, in his typical Foxican way.

"And what really comes across to me most of all is that for two years Donald Trump sat there and said, 'I don't have an attorney general. I don't have somebody out there looking out for and protecting my interests.'", Wallace said. "He clearly has that now with Bill Barr. "

Emphasizing the point, he continued, "Not saying that Barr isn't right in everything he says. But he clearly is protecting this president and advocating [Trump's] point of view on a lot of these issues. "

Of course, that leaves the rest of the country in a precarious position. If we don't have an Attorney General, who will protect the rule of law?

Here's Barr agreeing with Trump that the whole Mueller investigation was a "hoax" and a "witch hunt."

Paul Waldman and Greg Sargent:

What’s more, throughout the investigation, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III accused the president of precisely nothing. He made almost no public statements and allowed no leaks. Yet Barr claims that because Trump felt “falsely accused," it was appropriate for him to launch endless attacks on the very foundational legitimacy of the investigation, which Trump also tried to obstruct multiple times.

One last point about Barr’s embrace of the “witch hunt” idea. He’s flirting with the position of the president and his party that there should never have been any investigation in the first place. A “witch hunt” is an investigation that lacked any legitimate purpose from the get-go.

So yeah, Chris Wallace is right. Barr is acting as an advocate for Trump. Not the constitution. Not the country. And certainly not the people. We don't have an Attorney General. Just another toady.

He must be impeached.

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