Even Fox 'News' Viewers Aren't Fooled By William Barr

Robert Mueller ranks higher with Fox viewers than Attorney General William Barr!

The new Attorney General can't even fool loyal Fox News viewers. A wide margin of voters disapprove of the job Barr is doing, in spite of their best efforts to prop William Barr up.

For over a year, the Fox News Channel has been promoting a "deep state conspiracy" against Trump led by Robert Mueller and his team of Hillary Clinton supporters. According to Fox, they were aided by the FBI, who used illegal FISA warrants and whatnot.

Which is why it's shocking to me that in the new Fox News poll, Robert Mueller has a much higher approval rating than Donald Trump or William Barr.

A large majority of those polled view Barr's behavior as Attorney General negatively and described him as "covering up" for Donald Trump. Fox "News" viewers!

William Barr has tainted whatever legacy he once held as a former Attorney General. Now even the Fox News public sees right through his charade.

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