Fox's Pete Hegseth: Don't Dare Call Someone Convicted Of War Crimes A 'War Criminal'
Trump's cheerleaders over on his propaganda network take up for their hero preparing to pardon servicemen who have been accused or convicted of war crimes.
In yet another edition of "everything is always great for Trump no matter how hideous it is," the cheerleaders on his favorite morning show were busy telling everyone this Sunday how wonderful it will be for Trump's reelection prospects that he's preparing to pardon soldiers who have been either accused or convicted of war crimes.
HEGSETH: Yes. First of all, I can't stand that head line, accused of war crimes. These are men who went into the most dangerous places on earth with a job to defend us, and made tough calls on a moment's notice. They're not war criminals, they're warriors who have now been accused of certain things that are under review.
Here's a couple of the potential pardons that could come from this president by Memorial Day. This is included in the article. Special Operations Chief Eddy Gallagher who we've talked about on this program, Major Matt Golsteyn, also talked about on this program, and Clint Lorance, the 1st Lt. who made a tough call in the moment to defend his platoon.
This is very heartening for guys like me and others in the service who look at the previous administration, whether it was the trading terrorist to get a deserter in Bowe Bergdahl, who basically got a slap on the wrist, a pardon of Bradley Manning. I mean, you had a culture of coddling and not defending the war fighter. Trump's done a total 180 on this.
BILA: Yeah, and I think this will be a very unifying force in favor of what he's doing, and if there's one thing that unites people around the country, it is a love of the military and a love for those who have served.
HEGSETH: This should be a uniting issue but the left is going to attack him for this saying he's releasing war criminals, he's loosening the rules of engagement. Our men and women are willynilly killing civilians. It's all garbage but they'll attack him no matter what.
Again to the people in middle America who respect the troops and the tough calls they make, they're going to love this. These are the good guys, these are war fighters and making a move like this by Memorial Day, I would be... wow.