Jerry Nadler Puts Jim Jordan In His Place

Jerry Nadler wields the liberal superpower, memory, to remind Jim Jordan what he said earlier about releasing the Mueller documents.

Rep. Jim Jordan once again performed his carnival act of trying to defend the Trump White House. It did not go well.

Attorney General William Barr's refusal to release the unredacted Mueller report has led the House Judiciary Committee to hold him in contempt of Congress.

Jim Jordan somehow "forgot" that he was one of the Congressmen to call for the entire Mueller report to be released.

Chairman Nadler had to remind him.

During the House Judiciary Committee's debate on contempt, Rep Jordan did his usual firebreathing act, making believe that Congress's only goal in wanting to see the entire Mueller report was a ploy to shame the attorney general.

However, in quick fashion Chairman Nadler shut him down, reminding Gym Jordan that as recently as this March the Ohio Republican was calling for the entire report to be released to Congress.

Nadler said, "I would simply observe that, to his credit, Mr. Jordan has been second to none in asking for access to the materials we're asking for for the -- and I would simply ask him, does he still think -- is he still supporting his own request for -- that the committee and the Congress be given access to the entire report."

Suddenly Jordan quieted down and said "consistent with the law." Wow, all of a sudden he appears completely foolish!

Here's what he said to ABC's THIS WEEK as reported by the right-wing Washington Examiner, "Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, argued all documents from and related to Robert Mueller’s investigation should be released if the special counsel’s full report is made public."

Jordan now pretends that since Robert Mueller is going to testify in front of the committee, it is unnecessary to have the full Mueller report and that a contempt resolution was unnecessary.

Chairman Nadler's reply: "Well, essentially because it would be useful to read the material before we have him in front of us."

Ya think?

That's how you slap down a rabid Trumper.

And as we've seen with William Barr and Republicans in Congress, their only goal is to defend every obstructive and illegal action Trump has taken.

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