Judge Napolitano Sounds Alarm Over Eroding Separation Of Powers

With every edict from on high, this administration makes it clear they believe themselves above the limits of the U.S. Constitution.

Last week Fox News' senior legal analyst said that Trump violated the separation of powers, three times in a week and intimated it's a disgrace that the Republicans in Congress look the other way.

"There was a time in American history when Congress wrote the laws and the Pres. enforce the laws and the courts interpreted them. That's built into the Constitution and called the separation of powers."

"It’s a very dangerous trend when the president can make his own laws or spend money how he wants even when Congress says no,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano said, "President Trump did this three times in the past week."

Napolitano continued, “It’s a very dangerous trend when the president can make his own laws or spend money how he wants even when Congress says no after he asked for it.”

Napolitano highlighted what he said were three instances when Trump violated the Constitution. And he did not mince his words as he went through all three cases.

“It is dangerous when presidents write their own laws, impose their own taxes, spend money how they want, and Congress looks the other way,” Napolitano said. “It’s dangerous because it's too much of an accumulation of power in the presidency, and it imbalances that delicate balance that the separation of powers created.”

Even to Judge Napolitano, Donald Trump's power grab that has been aided by the supplicants in Congress are turning his term into an Imperial presidency.

The latest example of this just happened Friday. Washington Post:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo notified lawmakers Friday that President Trump is invoking his emergency authority to sidestep Congress and complete 22 arms deals that would benefit Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries, despite lawmakers’ objections to the transactions.

Republicans and Democrats urged the Trump administration this week not to take the rare step of exploiting a legal window to push through deals — worth about $8 billion, according to congressional aides — that lawmakers have blocked from being finalized.

Pompeo’s notification letters effectively give the Trump administration a green light to conclude the sale and transfer of bombs, missile systems, semiautomatic rifles, drones, repair and maintenance services to aid the Saudi air fleet, and precision-guided munitions that lawmakers fear Saudi Arabia may use against civilians in Yemen’s civil war.

There is no emergency. It's just King Trump doing what kings do.

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