Mike Pence Promises Perpetual War To West Point Graduates

While handling the Memorial Day ceremonies while his boss sucks up to thugs and dictators, VP Mike Pence delivered an ominous message to West Point graduates.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, Vice President, Mike Pence addressed the graduating class at West Point. During his speech, he promoted Trump as the military's greatest president, who would always have their backs even though Cadet Bone Spurs ducked out of serving in the military when he was called to do so.

ABC News reports, "More than 980 cadets became U.S. Army second lieutenants in the ceremony at West Point's football stadium."

After congratulating the most diverse graduating class in the history of West Point, Pence promised more upcoming wars for our troops to fight.

"It is a virtual certainty that you will fight on a battlefield for America at some point in your life," Pence told the graduates. "You will lead soldiers in combat. It will happen."

Pence said Russia and North Korea both are still threats, even as Trump kowtows to murderous thugs Putin and Kim Jong Un daily.

He continued, "And some of you may even be called upon to serve in this hemisphere."

Say, what? This hemisphere?

That's not a very uplifting message to give these graduates. Instead of hope, he sees destruction and war. War with whom?

Donald Trump is beating the drums against Iran and he hasn't spent exorbitant amounts of money on the military while trying to stiff the working class out of healthcare for nothing.

Pence's ominous words should not be taken lightly.

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