Mike's Blog Round Up
Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

It's the Stay Out Of Holiday Trouble/Elon Musk Is Awful Edition.
Editorial cartoon from Alas, A Blog: How Banning the Abortion Pill Works.
Prosperity Gospel: Want to know more about Joel Osteen? Can't imagine why you would, but if you do, Jack Cluth will tell you.
Speaking of charlatans, Pharyngula takes a quick peek at Elon Musk's Boring Co.
Worse from Musk, at Balloon Juice: 12,000 satellites to ruin the night sky for astronomy: "Musk’s offhand 'they can’t be seen at night' is not true or reassuring."
Bonus: Those who also aggregate. At FairandUNbalanced, Burr Deming's wkly. wrap-up, featuring a familiar liberal blog or two.
By the gainfully unemployed M. Bouffant, to whom every day's a holiday.