Rudy Giuliani Attacks Fox's Judge Napolitano

Rudy whines like a mean girl: "Why are you so mean to Donald, Andrew?"

The knives are out for long-time Trump friend Judge Andrew Napolitano, who has been very honest as the senior legal analyst for Fox News. When it comes to discussing the special counsel and Trump's behavior as President, Napolitano has stuck to the law, which is obviously bad for Donald Trump.

A few weeks ago Napolitano told his Fox News audience that he was disappointed in Trump's behavior. On Thursday, Rudy Giuliani tweeted that Nap's negative views were because Donald refused to nominate him to the Supreme Court.

Napolitano refuted this claim.

On May 2nd, Rudy called Napolitano his friend, and made a bogus argument that you can't obstruct justice if there is no underlying crime.

That was quickly debunked by George Conway, who responded via Twitter by quoting the law.

There’s a section of the DOJ manual that nicely captures what obstruction of justice is about. It’s got nothing to do with whether there’s an underlying offense. It’s all about whether someone is trying to wrongly influence a participant in federal proceeding, ...

After Robert Mueller's statement landed like a bomb on Capitol Hill, Trump's team frantically attacked anyone making the slightest criticism of Trumpworld.

Even mentioning that Trump campaign staffers and family members had 147 contacts with Russians, which is in the Mueller report, is not permissible.

And in Trumpworld any time a person disagrees with Trump or sides against him it's not because of their honest feelings, but it's over some resentment they have with Donald.

Donald Trump's behavior is a bore and so are his minions. His petty and childish attacks seem to activate the lizard parts of the brains of his followers... but it's cheap, rank and does not dignify the office of the presidency.

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