Trump Lies Again As Barr 'Investigates' The FBI

Trump didn't have to directly order Barr to muddy the waters. It's obvious to Barr and everyone what the Justice Department is "expected" to do for Herr Donald.

During a press spray earlier today Trump said he never ordered an investigation into the investigators on the special counsel but is ecstatic that his new Atty. Gen. is looking into the matter.

Throughout the entire Robert Mueller investigations, Trump and his surrogates screamed about deep state conspiracies against him which they then elevated to calls to investigate the investigators and now Barr is fulfilling those demands.

A reporter off-camera asked Trump if he ordered William Barr to open an investigation and he denied doing so.

"No I didn't ask him to do that," Trump said

He continued, "I didn't know it, but I think it's a great thing that he did it."

"I saw it last night and they want to look at how that whole hoax got started."

Stunningly Trump is bragging that all those supposedly "deep state" Hillary Clinton fans who are out to get him did not do that at all.

"It was a hoax. and even Mueller, not a friend of mine. even Bob Mueller came out, no collusion. and he had 18 people that didn't like Donald Trump, that were Hillary Clinton fans, they contributed, many of them, to Hillary Clinton. they came out. It was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of this country."

Josh Marshall has said repeatedly if there was a deep state conspiracy against him within the FBI, they would have most certainly exposed the fact that his campaign was under investigation for conspiring with the Russians, investigations conducted before the election took place.

This is the Attorney General conducting a cover-up in plain sight.

And so Trump lies: "And you know what. I am so proud of our attorney general that he is looking into it. I think it's great. I did not know about it, no."

We all know William Barr is fulfilling Trump and Hannity's dream on this matter. A Mafioso boss doesn't have to specifically order a hitman to assassinate a rival for a murder to take place. All he has to do is intimate his unhappiness and not order 'said person should live' and his wishes are carried out.

Michael Cohen himself admitted that Trump behaves this way: Trump "doesn't give you questions, he doesn't give you orders. he speaks in code. I understand his code because I've been around him for a decade."

Yes, I have been watching Boardwalk Empire lately.

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