Trump Reassures Putin: Mueller Report Is Just A 'Russian Hoax'

In two tweets, Donald Trump invited Russia to keep interfering in our elections, and admitted he's just another tool of an autocratic oil-drenched dictator.

In two tweets, Donald Trump invited Russia to keep interfering in our elections, and admitted he's just another tool of an autocratic oil-drenched dictator.

Just for posterity, I will quote it here, in case these tweets are ever deleted.

"Had a long and very good conversation with President Putin of Russia. As I have always said, long before the Witch Hunt started, getting along with Russia, China, and everyone is a good thing, not a bad thing," Donald wrote.

In a second tweet, he clarified just where his loyalties are. "We discussed Trade, Venezuela, Ukraine, North Korea, Nuclear Arms Control and even the “Russian Hoax.” Very productive talk!"

Russia is allegedly interfering on Maduro's behalf in Venezuela while the United States interferes on behalf of Juan Guidó, but sure, let's have a cordial conversation about how they delivered the election to Donald Trump while defying the will of the American people.

So it starts with him telling Putin the "Witch Hunt" is over, reassuring his personal hero and oligarch that it's all good, nothing to see here, no worries about repercussions.

Does this remind you of Helsinki? I sure feel like it does.

Greg Sargent puts it in perspective:

Traitor Trump has shown us all who he is and where his loyalties are over and over. We should believe him.

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