Chairman Nadler Cuts Jim Jordan's Microphone During Hearing
Jordan was like the kid in preschool insisting he didn't start it. It was absurd.
Rep Jim Jordan, a Freedom Caucus member who only likes to investigate and interrogate Democrats and those FBI and intelligence members investigating the Trump administration tried to claim that Chairman Nadler and his caucus and colluded during his unhinged questioning of John Dean.
After he ranted about the investigators investigating Trump, Jordan brought up Emmett Flood's letter, complaining that "we got memorandums of understanding between the chairman."
After Rep Jordan's time expired, Chairman Nadler quickly corrected the record and pointed out that Rep. Jordan disparaged John Dean and his committee, after lying about Dean going to prison.
"I want to point out that this committee has no memorandum of understanding with any of the committee with reference to any other investigations. So I don't know...(Rep. Jordan then tried to interrupt him)
Nadler continued, "this committee has no memorandum of understanding and not aware of any others -- but this Committee has no such Memorandum of Understanding. Number two, since the gentleman from Ohio cast aspersions on the witness I will remind everyone --"
Off-camera, Jordan tried to deny what he previously said just moments ago.
'No, I didn't Mr. Chairman, I read his statement," he insisted.
Nadler banged the gavel.
Jordan continued, "I did not cast aspersions, I read --"
At that point, Jordan's microphone was cut, Nadler finished his statement, and moved on to the next questioner.
Jordan is playing for Fox News and Trump only and he looked like a fool.