F&F's Host Defends Trump Camps For Kids: Can't Have A Hyatt At The Border
Fox and Friends makes excuses for mistreatment of migrant children at Trump Camps. The 'acting' head of ICE is as reprehensible as Brian Kilmeade.
The Trump administration has received enormous criticism for not providing soap, toothbrushes, and blankets to imprisoned migrant children at a Texas border holding facility.
So this morning Trump's BFFs at Fox and Friends tried to put lipstick on that pig.
Acting ICE director Mark Morgan was interviewed earlier this morning to discuss the issues at the border. The topic soon turned to the unsanitary conditions and the inhumane treatment these children are receiving.
Guest host Jedediah Bila asked, "Mark, one of the concerns is about the detained migrant children and the conditions that they may be in. And one of the accusations is that they are in unsanitary conditions. How accurate is that?"
Morgan admitted there was truth to the NY Times story but blamed Congress instead of the Trump administration for the monstrous treatment they are receiving.
Morgan said, "So they're absolutely some truth to that, and that's why we've been asking Congress for a very long time to pass this supplement."
VP Mike Pence told Jake Tapper on CNN that they did have money to supply the basic necessities for these caged imprison children, but blamed appropriations for this problem as well.
Morgan continued, "We want to get them out of there, but we need funding so HHS can get the adequate breath space, but this is absolutely up to Congress."
Then Brian delved into the depths of his depravity to utter these words.
Kilmeade said, "But Mark, you're never going to have a Hyatt at the border. It's never going to be great, that's never what the intention."
His "argument" left me speechless and rattled around in my brain. Brian, you ignorant slut. (This is no joke)
Not one person is demanding migrant children be put up into a four-star hotel in the honeymoon suite you f**king arrogant moron.
Having seven-year-old children taking care of three-year-olds of soil themselves and don't have any towels or soap to clean themselves is worse than prison conditions.
Children as young as 7 and 8, many of them wearing clothes caked with snot and tears, are caring for infants they’ve just met, the lawyers said. Toddlers without diapers are relieving themselves in their pants.
Morgan then lied to defend Trump, like all Trump employees do until they either get fired or resign.
Morgan continued, "That's absolutely right. And that's another thing; it's like a police station. I mean people know what a police station looks like. Like you said, it's not the Hyatt, but specifically, with kids, we do want kids out of those facilities."
Police stations have bathrooms, running water, towels, and soap and are maintained with some form of dignity.
Morgan then used these tortured children as leverage to force Congress to fund the Trump administration's despicable plans.
Morgan said, "Kids should not be in those facilities, but again this comes down to funding. We've been pleading with Congress to pass this supplemental so we can get the kids out of there and they've been sitting on their hands. It's -- and then they vilify border patrol and ICE when they could solve this problem."
Congress did not force the Trump administration to issue a zero-tolerance policy under Jeff Sessions tenure when they started separating families and locking the kids in cages.
How Brian Kilmeade can look himself in the mirror is beyond me.