Fox News Guest Touts 'Pretty Quick And Easy War' With Iran

We are having a re-run to the lead-up to war with Iraq.

Joey Jones, a former Marine who lost both his legs in Afghanistan, has been a constant guest on Fox News for years. Early Friday he made remarks similar to those made when the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq.

How did that work out?

Jones joined Trump's favorite TV show and was asked about what had transpired in the last 24 hours between Iran and Trump.

Jones did not immediately call for war with Iran, but he characterized any conflict with them as a walk in the park.

Kilmeade explained that a senior White House official told them Trump is taking information, "throughout the day and throughout the night, meaning some things are changing."

Changing? What does that mean? Who knows. All morning long, Fox and Friends were trying to portray Trump as a strong lady leader but also someone who gave a weak response to Iran shooting down our drone. It must have been very confusing to their audience.

Jones replied, "Listen, I deployed to Afghanistan, I deployed to Iraq. I don't want to see anyone deploy. I think if Iran provoked us to that point, it would be a pretty quick and easy war, I really do believe that. I believe that Israel has a lot of firepower and would be right there with us. But I think that that's not the obvious solution. The obvious solution is, can we continue to pressure them? You know, I think their currency is down 60% now.

Jones continued, "Things like groceries and medication are up 60%. And so, you know, when you wound an animal -- I'm a hunter -- when you wound an animal, it doesn't lay there and say please kill me. It tries to bite you, but it's wounded, so it can't. And that's what we see in Iran right now. They do not have the power to do what they want to do, and they're lashing out. And hopefully, it's the last, fleeting bite, not anything more."

A few minutes later he either lied or misspoke.

"I voted for this man, the majority of the country did, the electoral college did and we have to believe the policy that he puts in place is going to keep us safe and does what it needs to do," he said.

the majority of the country voted for Hillary, Joey.

And what the policy in dealing with Iran -- nobody knows or understands.

As all Americans have learned the hard way including Mr. Jones, there is no quick and easy war to be fought in the Middle East, ever.

(h/t mediamatters)

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