Hannity: Pelosi Wanting Trump Jailed Is What They Do In 'Banana Republics'

Sean Hannity was horrified over Nancy Pelosi's desire to see Trump in jail.

Sean Hannity is outraged that a Democratic Speaker of the House would want Trump jailed rather than impeached for actual crimes he's committed, such as pay-to-play, profiting off his office, selling the government to the highest bidder, and likely being a tool of the Russian government.

But what he said is...mind-boggling.

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Speaker Pelosi now apparently telling senior Democrats that she'd like to see Trump behind bars.

Based on no actual crimes, she wants a political opponent locked up in prison?

That happens in banana republics -- beyond despicable behavior. And by the way, they would literally turn, in many ways, the USA into a country we no longer recognize.

Hey Sean, you mean like this?

Everything is projection. Every damn thing.

Watch Hannity be a fool for Trump via Media Matters:

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