Lou Dobbs Rips Into 'Pious Tool' Mitt Romney
It's always so delicious when the wingnuts start eating their own, isn't it?
I could hardly wait until Lou Dobbs rose from his crypt at sunset and oozed onto the airwaves to defend Dear Leader at all costs after yesterday's invitation from Donald Trump to every hostile foreign power out there. After all, the world could wage World War III by proxy in 2020, and it would be fine with Trump as long as he was re-elected. (That outcome, by the way, suggests that the good old U.S. of A would not not be the winner of said World War)
Dobbs did not disappoint. Not at all. In fact, he didn't just go after the "Radical Dims" as is his wont, but he also lit into the so-called "Righteous RINO's" [sic] who chose to pay lip service to the law, accompanied by strong frowns. Dobbs can barely contain his venom, calling them "sweet darlings of righteousness and RINOism."
Lindsey Graham: "I think it's a mistake. I think it's a mistake of law. I don't want to send a message to encourage this."
Marco Rubio: "My reaction is to reach out to the FBI."
Susan Collins: "Candidates should turn that information over to the FBI and call the FBI."
Mitt Romney: "Simply unthinkable for a candidate for president to accept the involvement , to encourage it, participate with it in any way, shape or form. It was strike at the very heart of our democracy."
Be sure to catch the chyron while Lou plays those clips. It's...um...precious.
Lou restarted his heart off-camera and revved up. "It would strike at the very heart of our democracy," Dobbs mocked, "Says the man who spends a lot of time striking at our democracy and more organs than just simply the heart of it."
"What a pious tool," he spat.
I'm no fan of Mitt Romney's. I think he's a frowning, pontificating coward who talks a lot and does nothing. But I'm having trouble figuring out how the hardened arteries of Lou Dobbs are inventing some sort of orchestrated Romney attack on our democracy. It's a mystery.
Turning to Ed Rollins for solace and support, the two of them spent quite a lot of time bashing George Stephanopoulis as a "Clinton operative" before watering down the whole idea of opposition research.
After some back and forth, Lou Dobbs did the "I know you are but what am I" part of his schtick.
"These are liars, ladies and gentlemen," he declared. "They're not just simply self-righteous hypocrites."
"These radical Dems, the leadership of their party are absolute liars. They continue to lie, they continue to harass this president and to do so baselessly and ignorantly," he mewled for the benefit of the one viewer who thinks everything that comes out of his mouth is gold.
Some day I'm going to count how many times in one show he uses the term "radical Dims." It's his mantra. I half expect him to have a graphic behind him with misshapen light bulbs or something.