Fox News Business Host Blasts Trump On Mexican Tariffs

Francis doesn't exactly have her facts together, but that doesn't tend to stop Trump-lemmings anyhow. Gold Star to Dagen McDowell for trying to set her straight, though.

Dagen McDowell, a usual supporter of Donald Trump had very harsh words against his move to unceremoniously hit Mexico with tariffs because he can't get his wall built or move Congress on immigration that will meet his xenophobic needs.

After introducing the segment Dagan said, "If the president is going to do it, it should really be thought out and to see what all the collateral damage is going to be. The unintended consequences, because obviously, it'll have more of an impact on Mexico than on us. but many American businesses -- and that means many American workers -- could be affected by this."

When has Trump thought through anything, ever?

McDowell seems to understand the impact of a narcissistic baby screwing our biggest trade partner out of resentment.

She continued, "Melissa, the issue isn't that there is a crisis of the border. I think a large percentage of Americans would agree with that. It's the move to slap tariffs on Mexico, and what that would do to our relationship with Mexico. The Mexican economy is contracting in the first quarter. You send that country into a recession, it has less resources and less of an ability to prevent migrants from coming across our border. You give Mexican people and Central Americans a reason to get into the United States."

Melissa Francis replied by saying she was going to blow everybody's mind, but, of course, what she said was laughable.

"My point is that you are paying for it either way. you are either going to pay with the tariffs when you buy stuff, or when people flood over the border because our social welfare system is too liberal, and we give away too much free stuff. So you are either paying that way, or you are paying with the tariff when they come over the border. I'm not against having more people in this country. We have a labor shortage, that would be great. But people have to come legally and we can't give away a ton of free stuff. Because we just can't afford that."

The idea that the effect of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S. is equal to the cost of an imbecilic tariff on Mexico and all Americans is more than idiotic. It is revolting.

Francis should know better since she was also a CNBC business reporter, but instead, she was happy to play the loyal Trump minion.

Like Sarah Huckabee Sanders and many other Trump supporters, Francis thinks it is never Donald's fault when nothing gets done, even if he's the one who blows it up. Her solution was that if you do not like what Trump is doing then do something different. Yet, she ignores all the times the Democrats and Republicans had a deal on immigration but at the last second Trump reneged.

Her big refrain was: “Yes, those Republicans in Congress should go jump off a cliff. … They’re not offering something else,” Francis responded.

Dagen, who had the last word, explained that Mexico is doing quite a lot, actually, to try to control the influx of migrants.

“Between January and August of last year, Mexico deported more Central Americans than the U.S. did. Mexico has been helping, and this hurts them when we are trying to get a trade deal together.”

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