Of Course, Trump Won't Fire Kellyanne Conway

It's hard for Fox and Friends to do damage control when Trump phones in to say that everyone in his White House is above the law.

Donald Trump and his administration have continually turned their noses at the laws governing the executive branch, refused to comply to congressional subpoenas, and turned nepotism and grifting into a federal welfare fund.

Now they are defying the own Office of Special Counsel.

On Thursday the OLC determined in a 17-page brief that Kellyanne Conway had violated the Hatch act so many times that she needed to be fired.

Otherwise, it sets a bad precedent throughout his entire administration.

“As a highly visible member of the administration, Ms. Conway’s violations, if left unpunished, would send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act’s restrictions --- Her actions thus erode the principal foundation of our democratic system — the rule of law.”

As soon as I read about this report I tweeted that since "Trump runs the presidency like a crime family" he would not fire a loyal soldier.

During his call-in interview on Fox and Friends earlier this morning, he was asked if he would heed the OSC's recommendations.

Doocy said, "Yesterday the office of the special counsel, this is not the Mueller special counsel, recommended that you fire Kellyanne Conway because she's repeatedly violated the hatch act where she has essentially -- the hatch act, let me explain, prohibits government employees in engaging political activities while on the job, they say, special counsel's office she disparaged presidential candidates in TV and media and repeat offender and they're calling on you to fire her, so what are you going to do?"

Trump said, "It looks like they are trying to take away her right of free speech."

Like many conservatives, Trump is totally ignorant of what the first amendment actually is. The Hatch Act of 1939 was initiated by Republicans against the FDR administration and uses of federal employees for political gain.

Trump whined, “And it’s just not fair. They asked a question – I think one of them was involved with your show – You ask a person a question and every time you are supposed to say ‘I can’t answer, I can’t answer?’ She has to have the right to respond to questions. It really sounds to me like a free-speech thing.”

Kellyanne Conway could have easily refused to answer or moved on to another topic on the grounds of the Hatch Act since she's never short on words or praise for the Trump administration. When did a question from a TV host trump legislation?

“So you’re not going to fire her?” Steve Doocy asked.

“No, I’m not going to fire her. I think she’s a tremendous person, she’s loyal, she’s just a great person. Based on what I saw yesterday, how could you do that? They have tried to take away her speech and I think you’re entitled to free speech in this country.”

The "they" is his own OLC.

Kilmeade jumped in, "They just say if you're working for the White House you shouldn't be involved in criticizing other candidates or other politicians and she has, will you encourage her not to do that going forward?

"No, but it doesn’t work that way," Trump says.

It absolutely does work that way. That is the law. Donald Trump does not get to rewrite or reinterpret any existing legislation or law because they inhibit him and his people from doing what they choose or how they act.

After using Joe Biden criticizing him as an example, he continued, "A person wouldn't be able to express themselves and I just don't see it. now, I'm going to get a very strong briefing on it and I will see but it seems to me very unfair, it's called freedom of speech."

That's what an autocratic ruler does. He's the worst president in history. And it's tough for his propaganda network to do damage control when he phones in an interview and spews that everyone who works for him is above the law, and that taxpayers should fund campaign announcements from his "senior staffer."

It's a feature of this White House, not a bug:

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