Fox And Friends Very Upset Sunday Talk Shows Discussed Racist 'Send Her Back' Chants
Brian Kilmeade has a sad that "the media" only focuses on the bad things, sitting on the "BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi Solyndra Fast and Furious Uranium One Christmas card lists tan suit Seth Rich baby parts her emails Sydney Blumenthal and the tarmac" sofa.
To many on Fox News, when a president [Trump] screams and writes racist tropes at the top of his lungs at four women of color in Congress, that's not the story at all.
Who do you think is the villain in all of this?
If you said "the media" -- because they covered it, you would be right.
Tweeting racist memes against four freshman Congresswomen was bad enough for Trump, but when his rallygoers began chanting "send her back," another disgusting racist trope, Trump stood there for 13 seconds admiring himself and his crowd.
Trump tried to lie about it afterward because his closest advisers convinced him to, but it hasn't stopped him from continuing his assaults against the four freshman women of color in Congress
So in the opening segment of Fox and Friends, this is how they framed the story.
Co-host Ainsley Earhardt said, "Last week at the rally, we heard the folks chanting "send her back." So the president spoke for, what, an hour and a half at that rally almost, and that's what the media focused on. So we knew the Sunday shows were going to focus on it, right, and they did. They talked about race, race, race."
Fox News cued up clips of the Sunday talk shows focusing in on the un-camouflaged racist chants.
After their packaged video ended, Brian Kilmeade said, "So the worst out of all of those, I mean, it was unbelievable."
"Like there's no Iranian crisis, like there's nothing to focus on at the border. It was all about that one line in that one sentence," Brian said.
He continued, "I'm amazed too, outside a question from George Stephanopoulos on it, no one just like ran down all of the things "the squad" had been saying, and to be kind, say, "controversial," that led up to this -- that led up to the president saying what he said."
Let's get something straight right now. A Trump campaign rally is not the State of the Union speech or a major announcement. The media has no obligation to cover it except when real news is made.
And when his most ardent supporters stop using dog whistles and pick up megaphones to participate in Trump's racism? That is news.
Fox News covers all four congresswomen, but especially AOC and Rep. Omar, around-the-clock since they were elected. As others have pointed out, Trump attacks them because Fox did first.