Fox Friend Brian Kilmeade Tries To Smear Lipstick All Over Trump's Pig

Even Harris Faulkner couldn't deny Trump's racism, but a couple of the white hosts managed to try.

On Fox News Outnumbered, three out of four female panelists panned Donald Trump's racism against four freshman female Democratic politicians over the weekend. This happened even though the panel was deprived of a Democratic voice.

And then there was the #oneLuckyguy, who happened to be Trump fluffer Brian Kilmeade.

Co-host Kennedy said that while the House Democrats were in the middle of a rift with Nancy Pelosi, Donald Trump supplied them with a bridge to come together and let Trump's tweet unite them.

Harris Faulkner said three of the women Trump attacked were born in the United States, asking, "Where are we going?"

Then Kilmeade jumped in to mansplain it.

BRIAN KILMEADE (GUEST CO-HOST): But you know what his point was, in the Donald Trump way that we've gotten a chance to see for the last two and a half years is, it's not so much "go home". It's like, appreciate your country. Why don't you critique it on the positive way --

HARRIS FAULKNER (CO-HOST): Is that what you think he was saying?

KILMEADE: That's what he was saying. He wasn't saying anything anti-immigrant, or anti-woman, or anti-Black --

FAULKNER: Do you think his words communicate that?

KILMEADE: No, I think that he could be -- just knowing Donald Trump the way he knows Donald Trump, he's trying saying, "Why are you so negative on the country?"

HARRIS FAULKNER (CO-HOST): Then he should say that.


KATIE PAVLICH (CO-HOST): He said go there and fix the problem and come back. He didn't say go there permanently. He said go there, fix the problem, come back.

FAULKNER: But where would we be going? Because one of them was born in Michigan. So is she supposed to go home to Michigan?

“When the president makes statements that people have to defend by saying that his words have a clearly different meaning, that’s a failure,” Kennedy pronounced.

Ya think? Good for some of the hosts for calling it out. As for Katie Pavlich and Brian Kilmeade, read some history books or better yet, talk to some people of color. And whatever you do, don't try to speak for Trump.

(Transcript via Media Matters)

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