Ilhan Omar Calls A Fascist A Fascist

Because really, what else is a "strongman" leader who claims "I alone can fix it" to a horde of chanting racists?

Ilhan Omar is right. Business Insider:

Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar said President Donald Trump was a "racist" and "fascist" a day after he falsely accused her of supporting Al Qaeda and looked on as the crowd at a rally in North Carolina chanted "send her back."

"I believe he is fascist," Omar told reporters on Thursday.

The Minnesota lawmaker, who is a naturalized US citizen, said America is "supposed to be a country where we allow democratic debate and dissent to take place."

Since Brit Hume insists we only use the "dictionary definition" of "racist," let's check out Merriam-Webster's when it comes to "fascism," shall we?

Fascism (N) - often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Lindsey Graham accidentally (?) reinforced the fascist label by pointing out that Trump only demands undying loyalty, not whiteness. Wow, Lindsey. Via Deadstate:

“Here’s what think: I think the President is playing on the 1968 ‘Love it or Leave it,'” Graham said, referring a late 1960s slogan that targeted Vietnam war protesters. “I’ve said before that if you’re a Somali refugee wearing a MAGA hat, he doesn’t want to send you back. You’d probably have dinner at the White House.”

So if you swear loyalty to Trump and wear a MAGA hat Trump won't deport you? Maybe the migrants at the border should just claim they want to come to America because they love Trump so much.

UPDATE: Fascism, ya think? redux

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