Jim Jordan Prepares To Smear Mueller At July Hearing

By his own admission, Rep. Jim Jordan plans to take the smear campaign route. But why would he do that when he maintains Mueller said Trump did nothing wrong?

Rep. Jim Jordan telegraphed his buffoonery on the Ingraham File on June 26th, when he discussed the laughable questions he will ask Robert Mueller when he testifies July 17th before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees.

In the fever swamps of Trump's deluded surrogates and minions, the Russian investigations were meaningless. They insist this is true regardless of the proven fact that Putin's regime hacked into America's democracy and undermined the 2016 general election to help elect Trump.

The GOP has been sanctifying criminal behavior as long as it benefits their party and policies for decades.

Laura Ingraham opened by telling Jordan she still thought of him as the chairman and he responded by saying, "I would love that."

Awww, a cute little moment.

Maybe if he and his fellow brethren didn't act like sycophants of the worst kind in Congress they may have done better in the midterm elections.

Jordan and his ilk always come up with these cute but trite little phrases that sound like they do to mask their unseriousness and overall hackery. The current trite little ditty is, "No collusion, coordination and conspiracy!” Does that mean Jordan and his fellow Republicans should welcome Mueller's testimony exonerating Dear Leader?

Jordan used James Comey's testimony, a man they ridicule at every turn, but who said at that time they hadn't found any evidence of collusion. Apparently investigations stop when Rep. Jim Jordan and the Freedom Caucus believe they should, regardless of evidence.

Ingraham asked him what was going on in regards to Robert Mueller coming to testify and Rep Jordan said it was just an extended impeachment hearing.

Jordan then shared his questioning tactics. He plans to interrogate Mueller with this question: "When did you first learn there was no collusion, coordination and conspiracy and to learn that early why didn't you tell us that that was you central charge?"

"So how long did it take Bob Mueller and his team of 19 Democrat lawyers to figure this out," he said. "And when they did why didn't they tell us that?"

The FBI is supposed to never disclose information from an ongoing investigation especially the special counsel until it is completed, idiot.

Joe DiGenova, a long-time Clinton delusion expert concocted a new conspiracy theory: Robert Mueller destroyed FBI agents' cell phones and their data as part of a coverup. Sure, sure.

Joe then claimed the entire special counsel was a "get Trump thing" but did admit that Robert Mueller put out a crippling report against Trump, something Donald lies about all the time.

Instead of going on to accept the results, DiGenova contended the report is sophomoric, adolescent, the legal analysis is juvenile and he described Robert Mueller as "a cadaver."

Why all the hate toward a guy Jordan claims Mueller exonerated? Greg Sargent thinks the whole strategy is stupid.

Still, in the end, it’s more likely that this GOP strategy will harm Trump more than it helps him. While his voters and media loyalists will adopt GOP spin on the Mueller hearings, swing voters are more likely to see an array of Republicans attacking Mueller, and come away with the larger message that Republicans think his findings were bad for Trump — and thus that they didn’t represent “total exoneration” in the least.

True, but these flacks never think about anything other than sucking up to Donald and his base. Jordan doesn't care about the country any more than he cared about those molested wrestlers he ignored.

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