Judge Napolitano: Alex Acosta Will Be Gone By Friday
He should definitely go, but Trump made it about a screen test, not about his failings as a prosecutor in the Epstein case.
Alex Acosta's bland performance at Wednesday press conference hurt his case. A couple of Fox News personalities actually believe he'll be gone soon.
On this morning's Fox and Friends, Judge Napolitano was asked about Acosta's performance and he said that if you read the transcripts Acosta did reasonably well, but watching his performance he was "not persuasive."
"I don't think he persuaded anybody he did the right thing," the Fox News senior legal analyst said.
Judge Nap continued, "He had a tremendous amount of evidence against Mr. Epstein and he should have indicted him and then negotiated with his lawyers".
When asked for his prediction on the fate of Acosta, Judge Napolitano said, "I don't think he'll be around by Friday."
On Wednesday's edition of The Five, co-host Dagan McDowell seemed upset at Acosta's plea deal and said he "should be gone by Friday."
She called the plea deal a "miscarriage of justice."
"It's better non-prosecution agreement that was struck in secret and the victims were kept in the dark, " McDowell said.
"And he seemed insensitive to the victims."
The FOX Business host also claimed Alex Acosta is not an important player in the administration, although many would differ since he's the Labor Secretary, but said he's gotta go.
Trump should quickly fire Acosta because of his handling of the Epstein case, not because he looked "weak" on television.
But we all know what Trump's priorities are.
That said, Trump does not like to look like he's being played by the media. He may defend Acosta until the Labor Secretary gets ripped to shreds during a Congressional hearing.