Lindsey Graham Goes Insane For Trump On Fox And Friends

Not content with defending Trump's racist tweets, Lindsey Graham has to call AOC and the rest of the squad "communists." Wait, what?

The deconstruction of Sen. Lindsey Graham is complete.

When he was a protégé of Sen. John McCain, Graham kept his baser instincts in check (mostly) and imitated the late Senator. After McCain passed away, Graham has found a new inspiration, racist Donald Trump.

Graham is now a man sticking a knife in his best friend's back even after he has left us.

The Beltway media always treated Sen. Graham (and they still do) as if he's southern royalty and it must stop now.

At first, when Graham started to surrender his will to Donald Trump, the Beltway media was a bit confused and not sure how to handle it. Was he just trying to be a voice of reason within the Trump administration?

All those questions should be answered now since he has switched into being a bombastic and arrogant echo chamber to Trump's racism.

Appearing on Fox and Friends (of course) the South Carolina senator proclaimed several times that Trump was the best golfer of the group. Then he more than doubled down on Trump's racist tweets against freshman Congresswomen.

Earlier this morning Trump went on another tweet rage:

Early polls for the 2020 election have not been kind to Trump and co-host Ainsley Earhardt asked Sen. Graham what he needed to do to win. Graham quipped, "Make sure [the election] is not tomorrow."

At first you might have thought Sen. Graham was going give Trump some sage advice after his racist attacks against Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.).

On Sunday, Trump issued a standard KKK demand that they all leave the country.

Sen. Graham started out by telling Trump to "just knock it down a notch." As if there was any daylight between Trump sounding like David Duke or a President voicing disagreement with the opposing party's congresspeople.

And then Sen. Graham launched into a despicable litany of smears that are essentially as vile as Donald Trump's unhinged racism.

Graham said, “We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own country, they’re calling the guards along our Border, the Border Patrol Agents, concentration camp guards, they accuse people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin’s...."

(Trump who has praised Neo-Nazis as some very fine people was not quite anti-Semitic enough for Graham.)

"They are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America," he said.

This is the type of hateful screed that a Rep. Louis Gohmert or a Steve King from Iowa would spew on a white nationalist radio talk show.

Sen. Graham continued, "Aim higher. We don’t need to know anything about them personally, talk about their policies."

Kilmeade asked if he thought Trump's tweets were negative. At least Sen. Graham realized they are U.S. citizens, but that was it.

Graham said, "I think they are American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is disgusting, that the American people will reject -- Their ideas, they're anti-Semitic. They talk about Israel state like they’re a bunch of thugs --

"They wanted to impeach Trump on day one. Make them the face of the future of the Democrat Party, you will destroy the Democrat Party. Their policies will destroy our Country!”

Joseph McCarthy would be proud and so was Donald Trump.

Trump immediately retweeted the transcript of Sen. Graham's rant.

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