Rashida Tlaib Schools Jim Jordan Over Ivanka Trump's Emails

Suddenly it's terrible to issue a subpoena for an Administration official's emails when that official is Ivanka Trump and she's using her personal email account for official business.

There's a certain sad but predictable irony about the likes of Rep. Jim Jordan fighting to protect Ivanka Trump from the mighty subpoena of the House Oversight committee, particularly with respect to Ivanka's email. That, however, is exactly what took place today, as the committee considered issuing subpoenas for her personal email account which she uses for official government business.

He actually had the nerve to bring up the old "33,000 emails deleted" whine before he was interrupted by Rep. Rashida Tlaib. When Jordan yielded to her, she went off:

TLAIB: It is important for my colleagues to understand we're talking about transparency, talking about oversight. These are messages that impact the American people that right now all I hear is this fear from the other side of information that might come about Ivanka, and we have to protect. That's all I hear, you choose to protect family members of the current administration that have access to information. They're at the table making decisions on behalf of the American people. They don't have privacy any more. They also have to be accountable to us in this chamber. Mr. Chairman, and ranking member, I understand that you want to talk about the specific processes, want to go back and forth about Hillary Clinton, but understand that you are protecting someone who is at the table --

At that point, Jordan interrupted her, Chairman Cummings gave him the floor so he could exhibit a bit more hypocrisy before Tlaib interrupted again.

JORDAN: I will reclaim my time. This subpoena is for personal emails, who their domestic help is, that's ridiculous. That is completely off the table.

TLAIB: It stopped becoming personal when they got access into the room. It stopped becoming personal when they got security clearances. It stopped becoming personal when they're in the room making decisions that impact the American people. They also are sitting at the Trump Organization table making decisions. Remember that. Fear that. Because no matter whether there's a R or D next to our name, fear the fact that we have corporations at the same table.

And that is really the crux of the thing. Jordan isn't worried about their nanny, he's concerned that the Oversight Committee will get access to emails which prove that Ivanka is not only sitting at the table using her personal email account, but she's also conducting business on behalf of the Trump Organization at the same time. That's Condition Red, something far more grave than whether she forwarded emails from her personal account to her White House email or to her assistant.

Do take a minute to revel in the irony. It truly is delicious.

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