Rush Limbaugh Flip-flops On The Deficit

"Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore," says Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh told a caller today that, "nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore."

One of the biggest lies ever told by Republicans has now been shattered.

As soon as Barack Obama became president, the Republican Party, and their pundits constantly attacked monies being spent to help American citizens and improve our government.

The federal deficit and the national debt have been a uniting force for Republicans and conservatives alike: their doomsday machine to scare people away from voting for the Democratic Party.

Chief among them was Rush Limbaugh, who vilified President Obama at every turn as he tried to save the nation's economy after the world faced a global financial collapse during George W. Bush's presidency.

Mediamatters has a nice round-up of Limbaugh attacking Obama by claiming the tea party and the 2010 midterm victory for Republicans was all based on the federal deficit and national debt.

The crazy Freedom Caucus was founded after the tea party wave and their goal was to never increase federal spending, ever. They almost collapsed our economy on the refused to raise the debt ceiling under Obama and used it as a wedge.

Flash forward to after the 2016 election and after Donald Trump's tax cuts for the rich were passed with no debate or care for the federal deficit and Republicans cared not?

In 2016, Jonathan Aberman wrote, "Since the financial crisis of 2008, a recurring theme in our national debate over the role of government spending has been the imminence of currency devaluation and inflation due to chronic budget deficits. Suddenly, as President-elect Donald Trump prepares to work with Congress to cut taxes and dramatically increase the federal budget deficit these same voices are muted. Shouldn’t we be hearing those same shrill voices now?"

The federal deficit has ballooned incredibly... and suddenly, Rush Limbaugh admits it was all a sham.

A caller was mad that the deficit has ballooned the under Trump and said, "In 2019, there’s gonna be a $1 trillion dollar deficit. Trump doesn’t really care about that. He’s not really a fiscal conservative."

Limbaugh nonchalantly responded, "Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as it’s been around."

Yes, he said that.

Later in the show he played audio of Mark Sanford complaining about the national debt and he doubled down on his flip flop, but made believe he wasn't one of the "deficit scolds" screaming Armageddon.

Rush said, "How many years have people tried to scare everybody about the deficit?"

He continued, "The years, how many decades of politicians tried to scare us about deficit the national debt. The deficit, any number of things. And yet, here we're still here and the great jaws of the deficit have not bitten off our heads and chewed them up and spit them out."

Rush Limbaugh is a lying liar.

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