GOP Support For Trump Rises After Attacks On Congresswomen

Was there any doubt that Republicans would rally round the racist?

That video is of Rep. Eric Swalwell enumerating some of the various racist statements Donald Trump has made since he has been in office. Furious Republicans rushed to take his words down, especially after he reminded everyone of Trump's remarks about "shithole countries" early in his administration.

Of course, those same Republicans were proud to stand with Trump in solidarity (with the exception of 4) on Tuesday when the House voted to condemn Trump's racist tweets and xenophobic attitude.

This is because the Republican Party truly does want to Make America White Again. Since Trump's racist tweets and ongoing rants about 'Murica: Love it or Leave it, a poll shows Republicans approving of him more and more, with a leap in GOP love of 5 points from last week. They cannot get enough of his racism, his xenophobia and his hatred of all people who are not white.

The national survey, conducted on Monday and Tuesday after Trump told the lawmakers they should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” showed his net approval among members of his Republican Party rose by 5 percentage points to 72%, compared with a similar poll that ran last week.

Who could have guessed? Of course, his approval with Independents dropped to around 30 percent, and with Democrats (WHO ARE THE ONES WHO APPROVE????), his net (already negative) approval dropped by 2 points, leaving his overall net approval rating at the same as last week even though he has behaved like an autocratic despot instead of a democratically elected president.

Republicans are racists, plain and simple. The polls prove it.

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