Trump Only Approves Of Free Speech If It Praises Him

Understanding the concept of free speech is not hard, unless you're a buffoon.

During Donald Trump's 49-minute rant to his propaganda army he made believe social media platforms were silencing conservatives. and then he violated the First Amendment of the Constitution when attacked our free press once again.

Speaking to an audience of right-wing internet scalawags, rapscallions, reprobates, and liars in the Rose Garden yesterday, Trump blasted Silicon Valley for what he considers their misuse of technology and not being "fair." (Yawn)

Trump said, "And we don't want to stifle anything, we certainly don't want to stifle free speech, but that's no longer free-speech."

Trump went on to expose how clueless he is (once again) about the meaning of First Amendment or the important role journalism plays in American democracy.

"See I don't think the mainstream media is free-speech either because it's so crooked, so dishonest," Trump said to his audience of plagiarists and charlatans.

He continued, "We don't want to stifle free speech but that's no longer free speech. To me, free speech is not when you see something good and then you purposely write bad. To me, that’s very dangerous speech, and you become angry at it. But that’s not free speech.”

Trump makes believe that everything he says or does is good, and just and the greatest of all time in American history. If a journalist, reporter or analyst claims otherwise, they are making up lies about him and they should be imprisoned.

Putin and Kim Jong-un would be proud.

Trump has degenerated the office of the presidency so far that words like this spew out of his mouth routinely and cause but a ripple on a summer Friday.

As Steve M writes, "Trump... believes all media sources should acknowledge the ongoing goodness of his presidency." Steve also points to a Jonathan Chait post on the summit titled "President Trump Says Only Trump Supporters Deserve Free Speech."

It's imbecilic and autocratic.

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