Uncle Ruckus Cain Needs A Laugh Track For His Trump Defense: 'That's His Personality'

Stuart Varney couldn't even contain his disdain for Trump's absurd attacks, but Mr. NineNineNine was there to defend the Racist-in-Chief

One of Donald Trump's best surrogates on the Fox Business Channel couldn't contain his feelings about Trump's racist attacks on the four female Democratic Congresswoman during a segment on Tuesday that featured the always off-kilter Herman Cain.

Stuart Varney played various video clips of Donald Trump's attacks and some of the critical responses he received by the Congresswomen he targeted. Cain was angrier at the responses than what Trump said to spark them.

Cain, Mr. 999, immediately claimed the liar's chair when he proclaimed, "No president has adhered more to the Constitution than this president. He is very careful not to do anything against the Constitution."

Too bad Fox Business doesn't use a laugh track.

Then Varney surprisingly got to the crux of the matter.

"Do you think the president should have been so dramatic in his tweets?" Varney asked. "'Go back where you came from," and the tweet this morning, spouting horrible and vile things? Should the president be saying that?"

I'd say that was an accurate description of Trump's behavior.

Not the brightest bulb in the batch, Cain's only response was to defend Trump by saying it's his personality to use racism in his attacks.

"No, but that's his personality," he answered. "My personality would have been a little different. Others would have had a different personality. You can't change his personality. He is showing his personality. He is a fighter."

No, Herman. He's a hateful racist, and using racist tropes to attack young women of color certainly is his personality. It is also unforgivable.

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