Al Gore Thought He Could Change Trump On Climate Change, He Was Wrong

Real facts have no place in the Trump administration, especially when dealing with climate change.

Former VP Al Gore told ABC News'This Week earlier today that during the presidential transition period, he discussed global warming with Donald Trump and was hopeful he could change his mind after presenting him with the facts.

Gore was wrong.

As we all know facts are meaningless in the world of Trump since Donald is the world's #1 climate denier.

Guest host Jonathan Karl asked if Al met with Trump during the transition and he said he did.

Karl asked, "Did you think you could get through to him?"

Gore replied, "I thought it was worth trying. I did think at the time that there was a chance he might change on climate when presented with the -- the facts."

"I was clearly wrong about that. I think it was worth the effort to see. But -- but I was wrong. He doesn't want to change on it," he said.

Trump campaigned by claiming global warming was a "hoax" and he's been just as advertised during his time in office.

No Democratic world leader has done more harm to the efforts to combat climate change than the Orange Julius.

And it will only get worse.

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