Chris Wallace Bludgeons Peter Navarro: This Is Your Own Labor Department

Trump's trade advisor Peter Navarro refused to address how bad Trump's Labor Department stats are. Which White House does he work for again?

Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace used Donald Trump's own Labor Department statistics on the destruction caused by Trump's tariffs to bludgeon Peter Navarro with, who claimed they haven't hurt the public at all.

Peter Navarro serves as the Assistant to the President, and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and isn't used to having to listen to real facts that diverge from his talking points for any real period of time. He was perturbed throughout the entire interview.

Chris set up the segment by highlighting what the Fed chairman, Goldman Sachs, and the Labor Department statistics have said, which is the complete opposite of what Navarro was trying to sell.

Navarro tried to interrupt and said, "Give me a chance here to respond."

Wallace replied, "I am, I'm trying look at this chart from the Trump Labor Department."


Chris continued, "That shaded area is the period of time since the president in early 2018 started imposing tariffs. The yellow line shows the consumer price of tariff goods has risen dramatically since the president started imposing them. The blue line which is non-tariff goods, the cost them has fallen. That is the Trump labor department, Peter saying on a macro and micro level that tariffs cause consumer prices to rise."

Most of Navarro's responses weren't about the tariff damage, but his dislike of the Fed and Goldman Sachs.

Wallace cut him off again. "I want to talk about tariffs," he said.

That's the topic Navarro wanted to avoid.

Navarro said, "I haven't seen that Labor Department data, I'll go look at it but what I can tell you is all the data I've seen says ---"

Wallace cut in again and said, "But that's your own Trump Labor Department, sir?

Navarro said, "It's not mine, it's the Department of Labor and I'll look at them...

Wallace replied, "It's the Trump administration."

This idiot represents the Trump administration on trade policy and he makes believe he doesn't know the Labor Department statistics?

When an interviewer uses facts, figures, and graphs to dispute a Trump administration talking point, the interview turns into an Abbott and Costello 'Who's on First' comedy routine.

And that's not funny.

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