In Press Pool, Trump Agrees With Shooter's Anti-Immigrant Manifesto

Asked about the manifesto, Trump "pivots" to his own anti-immigration stance? Really, Trump should have said he simply agrees with the El Paso terrorist's views.

During one of Trump's standard helicopter press sprays at the White House earlier today before he takes off to El Paso, Trump did not repudiate the shooter's manifesto of anti-immigration hatred and instead agreed with it.

Off camera a reporter asked Trump about his own destructive rhetoric that was used by the El Paso mass murderer.

“You and the shooter in El Paso used that same language. Do you regret that?”, he asked.

Instead of denying there was any connection with the mass murderer's views or repudiate the reporter for asking that question in particular, Trump instead agreed with parts of the killer's crazed manifesto.

Trump said, “I think that illegal immigration — you’re talking about illegal immigration?”

It wasn't a question about how Trump feels about illegal immigration since we all know his position. His purchase of a massive amount of ads on Facebook calling migrants an invading force is just the latest in a long line of spreading hatred against brown people.

“I think illegal immigration is a terrible thing for this country," he said.

Trump continued, "I think you have to come in legally. Ideally, you have to come in through merit. We need people coming in because we have many companies coming into our country, they’re pouring in."

Trump said, “I think illegal immigration is a very bad thing for our country. I think open borders are a very bad thing for our country, and we’re stopping."

Trump used the question to bash migrants yet again.

This is crazy. We have a mass murderer who name dropped Trump in his manifesto and used Donald's vile rhetoric and views as a linchpin for his insane manifesto and what does Trump do?

Trump cosigns it.

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