Fox Host Insists Trump Has Never Lied To The American People

Stuart Varney got in a tussle with Joe Walsh, tied himself in knots, and then just lied to get out of it.

Not even 24 hours after Neil Cavuto ran interference for Fox News with a rant about how independent Fox State Media is from the presidency, Stuart Varney stepped up and said, "Hold my beer."

During a segment with Trump primary challenger Joe Walsh, Varney got a bit hot under the collar when Walsh accused Trump of lying to the American people.

"I'm running against this president, because I believe he lies virtually every time he opens his mouth. You know that, too--" Walsh said.

Varney interrupted, clearly irritated at that last part. "No, I do not," he huffed.

Walsh continued, "I believe he's morally unfit—"

Interrupting again, Varney managed an indignant denial before warning, "Do not impute that to me, Joe Walsh."

Undeterred, Walsh pointed out that Trump is a danger to the country.

Aside: I'm not at all convinced that Joe Walsh is playing a good guy role here, but it doesn't really matter when you put him up next to Stuart Varney, who is clearly and obviously "working for" Donald Trump.

Getting madder and madder, Varney laid into Walsh.

"Don't do it, Don't do it. Do not impute that on me," Varney yelled. "Look, I invited you on -- you are on this program because I got questions … Look, you're on the program because I've got questions that I want to ask. And when I get an answer like, I know — "Stuart Varney knows that the president lies," I'm going to push back. Because that's nonsense, and you know it's nonsense. And don't try to bring me into your phony arguments."

Except, it's not nonsense, and this is a PERFECT example of Stuart Varney working for Trump. Everyone knows Trump lies. He just lied about having phone conversations with the Chinese to restart talks. Every time Trump opens his damn mouth he lies, yet this is Stuart Varney swearing up and down he doesn't lie ever.

And in fact, Walsh cited that very lie as an example of how Trump lies all the time. That is a lie that has been admitted to, yet this is how Varney handled it:

WALSH: I believe, Stuart -- I'll give you an example, just from yesterday — and even his staff, Stuart, admitted that he lied this week when he said there were high-level phone calls between the United States and China. Trump said that repeatedly. His staff came out yesterday, and admitted that the President of the United States lied to the world

VARNEY: No, they didn't.

WALSH: to manipulate the markets. I have a problem with that.

VARNEY: That's not a lie. Let's not get technical.

WALSH: That's not a lie?

VARNEY: No, that's not a lie. If the man says — and he did — that high-level talks had been held with China, that is not a lie. They were held with China.

WALSH: Stuart, he said there were high-level phone calls with Chinese officials. His staff admitted that was not true — that he lied in order to manipulate the market.

VARNEY: OK, Give me another one.

An incredulous Walsh asked Varney, "Really, you don't believe that that's a lie?"

Varney, with a straight face, answers that he doesn't, and furthermore, "I really object to you saying to me, 'And you know it is, Stuart.' I do not know it is. And please, don't bring me into your nonsense."

NARRATOR: It is, in fact, a lie.

But Varney's job isn't to tell the truth, it's to serve Donald Trump, which is why the segment ends this way:

WALSH: Stuart, do you believe this president lies?


WALSH: You don't believe he's ever lied?

VARNEY: He exaggerates and spins.

WALSH: OK. Do you believe he's ever told the American people a lie?


Take THAT, Neil Cavuto.

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