GOP Rep Tries To Compare Assault Weapons To A Knife

Ted Yoho is a piece of work.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R) of Florida went on CNN Monday morning to claim that a knife can do just as much damage as a semiautomatic assault weapon.

This is how morally deficient members of the GOP are when defending NRA talking points and why most of them have stayed away from every network except for Fox News.

CNN host Jim Sciutto asked if he would support universal background checks and of course, he hemmed and hawed his way around it and refused to support a measure that most Americans do.

Rep. Yoho blamed mental health issues, family members, tech giants for the mass murders, but when the CNN host showed him a picture of the weapon used to murder those in El Paso, he turned into a dimwitted a-hole to defend gun manufacturers.

“Let me show a picture of the weapon used in Dayton, the weapon and the magazine. I want to ask you if this weapon and this magazine that has 100 rounds."

He continued, "I spent ten years covering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congressman Yoho, I never saw something like that there. Does any American have the right to buy something like we're seeing on the screen? That allowed him to kill nine people in less than a minute. Should that be legal?”

Yoho said his personal belief was no, but obviously, that would not include any action against such a weapon and he showed what an asshat he is by first using states rights as a defense and then made a stupid f**king analog that shows how corrupt and demented Republican lawmakers are.

"You know, you can get rid of the guns, and we saw what happened in Japan. People used arson and they killed 30 some people. Somebody else used a knife and they killed three people. Bad people are going to do bad things,” Rep. Yoho said.

Sciutto laughed and said, "You can’t kill, you can’t kill nine people in 40 seconds with a knife, Congressman, to be fair. He walked in there with a semiautomatic weapon.”

He is so bankrupt of ideas that the republication congressmen went on use Timothy Timothy McVeigh as a shield to protect owning semiautomatic assault rifles.

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