Journalist Detained By CBP At LAX, Accused Of Being 'Fake News Media'

James Dyer got off the plane at LAX after flying from London, only to be interrogated about his profession by border patrol agents.

British journalist James C. Dyer landed at LAX and went through customs today, as many travelers do. Only he had quite a different experience than one might imagine.

Dyer tweeted that CBP detained him and accused him of being part of the "fake news media," but that was just the beginning. They had even more questions for the guy who writes about the Star Wars franchise for Empire Magazine:

Apparently one should travel with one's resumé:

Every day, we slouch a little bit closer to that totalitarian hellscape Trump and his pal Stephen Miller are creating. This is the kind of thing that they'd like to make commonplace.

It's not going to get better until he's gone.

Update: Looks like they make a habit of it:

UPDATE 2: For clarity, when I say the word "detained," I mean that they stopped him and questioned him. I am not saying he was illegally detained. Nor is he.

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