Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

The End of an Era Edition: skippy the bush kangaroo has shuffled from this mortal coil. (You may have known him in his other identity.)

Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare's Sister is retiring from blogging, having reached the end of a proverbial road as well, and we're all very grateful for her dedication.as she turns the page to another chapter of activism.

Michigan Man of the Year? Deadspin deduces how the current occupant of The White House gets all those deluded ideas.

Yastreblyansky asks: "How nuts is the entire world right now?" Very.

Just Above Sunset also examines the international situation, & how it may affect Trump, who may have just enough brain function remaining to realize he's in trouble. Which is when he starts really lashing out.

By M. Bouffant, who tried to find something lighter, if not actually positive, to end his stint here at the blog corral. Thanks for reading and cherishing small blogs! It's what the late great Skippy was all about.

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