Neil Cavuto Launches An Epic Rant Against Donald Trump: 'I Don't Work For You!'
Neil Cavuto's rant was excellent, but it does nothing to mitigate Hannity, Carlson, and the Fox Friends on every morning.
On Wednesday Donald Trump flew into a twitter rage after Fox News hosted the DNC communications director to discuss the Democratic primaries. Trump lashed out, complaining that "Fox isn't working for us anymore."
Thursday morning, Trump joined Brian Kilmeade's radio program and he again voiced his displeasure of Fox News and even mocked Brian as he said, "You were a solid 6, maybe a 7. But you’re getting much better.”
I'm so glad Trump smashed the illusion that Fox News has tried to maintain -- that they are fair to Trump while every other news outlet is biased against him.
This afternoon at the end of Your World with Neil Cavuto, the Fox News and FOX Business host lambasted Trump for his serial untruthfulness, flip-flops, and outright lies.
It was the most pointed attack on Trump from a Fox News host who is fairly sympathetic to his views that I've ever seen.
After saying, "I don't work for you," Cavuto rattled off incident after incident of Trump's deceitful behavior and words to the American people.
Just like I'm not the one sent Mexico would pay for the wall, you did.
Just like I'm not the one who claimed Russia didn't meddle in the 2016 election, you did.
I'm sorry you don't like these facts being brought up, but they are not fake because I did. What would be fake is if I never did, if I ignored all the times you said you loved your old Secretary of State Rex Tillerson until you didn't.
Had no plans to dump your homeland security secretary until you did.
Called Chinese president Xi Jinping an enemy just last week and a great leader this week.
Sometimes you don't even wait that long.
Last week you expressed an appetite for background checks before arguing just hours later, our background checks are already strong.
These aren't fake items there are real items and you really said them.
Just like you never paid to silence a porn star until it turns out you did.
Never ordered your former White House counsel Don McGahn to fire Bob Mueller until we learned you tried.
Fake is what is wrong Mr. President, not when it's unpleasant.
Just like it isn't and wasn't fake when you said the Access Hollywood tape wasn't real when it was or that you inherited the depression from Barack Obama when you didn't.
You’re entitled to your point of view, Mr. President, but you’re not entitled to your own set of facts.
I doubt Cavuto is getting an invitation to this year's White House Christmas party.
Karoli adds: This is a great rant from Cavuto but it's also intended to build the narrative that Fox News is somehow "fair and balanced" because for an hour every day someone there tells the truth about Trump while the other 23 hours of the day cater to his whims. Nothing is further from the truth. Neil Cavuto and Shepard Smith have some intellectual honesty, but they do not represent the whole of Fox News. Not at all.