New WH Press Secretary Gives First Interview To Disgraced Ex-Fox News Pundit

Eric Bolling found a job at Sinclair Broadcasting because of course he did.

New White House Press Secretary and Communications Director Stephanie Grisham finally made an appearance in the media, but instead of holding a White House press briefing, she granted an interview to Eric Bolling, a TV host who was fired from Fox News for allegedly sending lewd text messages to female colleagues.

How embarrassing-- yet, somehow apropos, for this administration.

Sinclair Broadcasting is a right-wing Trump-endorsed propaganda outlet. And Eric Bolling was hired apparently to attack all other media outlets who dare to criticize Trump.

Bolling was an uber pro-Trump surrogate who lost his own television program in 2017 on Fox, but expert Trump propagandists never go away in the conservative media. Instead, they get new shiny jobs and are held up as credible media citizens. I guess being accused of sexual harassment is something Trump and right wing news outlets admire in a man.

On his program America This Week, he first interviewed Anthony Scaramucci, who has been on the offensive against Donald of late, questioning Trump's mental capacity.

To follow up, Bolling then brought on Grisham for her first interview to the public at Trump's Press Secretary, to attack Scaramucci as just another self-seeking, self-promoter that is only attacking Trump to get back in the media spotlight.

That's kind of like what Trump and his surrogates do every day, right?

"He said the president’s crazy,” Bolling said.

Grisham said, “Yeah, he said it’s not personal, but he’s crazy, let’s see I wrote it down, racist, mentally declining, and indefensible.”

She continued, “I mean he’s the president, his poll numbers are going through the roof, our economy is doing better than ever, he’s doing a great job. Anthony knows that, and the country knows that.”

Trump is losing to Biden, Bernie, Warren and Harris in all the latest polls.

Not a peep about the stock market crash or the uncertainty we face over Trump's trade war with China.

When asked about bringing back actual White House press briefings she said, "We’re going to talk about it. That will be ultimately up to the president.”

Trump holding court on the South Lawn in the midst of helicopter noise when he's about to leave the White House is all the press briefings this White House has to offer. And she knows it.

PS. Of course, Trump back-stabbed her messaging the moment she arrived. It's what he does.

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