Pat Buchanan Defends El Paso Shooter's Fears Of Hispanic 'Invasion': 'Accurate And Valid'

The old bigot is the same as he's always been: Nasty and racist. But now he's got a gig and he's riding high.

Pat Buchanan was fired from MSNBC over his white supremacy views but was recently rehired to co-star in public television’s relaunch of The McLaughlin Group.

Disgraced Conservative and neo-Nazi cockroaches never die -- they just came back from hiding under your refrigerator after eating your stale, dirty bread crumbs.

And the beltway media just gotta have him.

The McLaughlin Group will begin airing exclusively on public television stations nationwide and digital platforms in January 2020.” The program, which was briefly relaunched last year on Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s D.C. station, also featured Buchanan as a panelist in its prior iterations.

A few weeks ago after the announcement of the relaunch, Pat wrote a scathing op-ed against Joe Biden: Biden Goes All In on the Race Issue

A frequent refrain from outraged conservatives is that the left uses racism as a weapon against them, but maybe if they stopped doing, saying, and acting like racists then it might be a valid defense.

According to form, Pitiful Pat attacked former Vice President Joe Biden for calling out Trump's white nationalism, a movement close to the so-called president's heart.

The key piece of evidence linking Trump to the mass murderer of El Paso, is a single phrase out of a 2,000-word screed posted on social media, allegedly by the gunman minutes before carrying out his atrocity.

Patrick Crusius said he was striking this blow against the "Hispanic invasion of Texas." And Donald Trump has often used that term, invasion, to describe the crisis on the border.

Yet the word "invasion" to label what is happening on America's Southern border long predated Trump, and, moreover, is both an accurate and valid description.

Pat went on to justify the "invasion" talking point, but he did so by using a psycho white nationalist's words who massacred 22 innocent people because they looked Hispanic.

Pat, go f*ck yourself.

The McLaughlin Group and PBS should be ashamed.

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