Epstein's Dead. His Victims Are Alive, How Do We Help Them?

The protectors of child rapists will scare victims, suppress videos and shift blame. They win when the public believes there can be no justice.

When I read about Epstein's "suicide" my first thought was, 'I knew this was coming." then quickly I thought of the victims. They must to be protected.

I've been talking to victims of domestic violence lately and they reminded me to focus on the victims and to note all the ways that the people protecting the accused (and guilty!) work to diminish the victim's voice.

We live in a world where powerful men have sexually trafficked women and raped children repeatedly, over years. They employ fixers who use multiple methods to stop victims from obtaining justice.

What can you do? First. Stop thinking the rich and powerful will always win. 
It's easy to be cynical when we see the powerful at the top get away with their crimes. But they don't always.

Credit: CNN

In our system the powerful men's fixers exploit victim's lack of equivalent legal, financial and PR resources to prevent justice and to silence the victims. They use the general public's cynicism, impatience and learned helplessness as a tool. But when you give up hope of men ever coming to justice, you let the child rapists and their protectors win. But they don't always win.

Credit: Jerry Sandusky, The Wrap

I've written about the Epstein case twice. July 10th Epstein And Trump: The Cover Up And The Child Rape and July 26th, Epstein Found Injured in Jail. Suicide Attempt? Or Attempted “Suicide? As a time traveler I knew what was going to happen. Time travel is easy, what's hard is knowing what has to change to get to a different outcome. It turns out that there are many things that need to change because there are multiple people and systems that are working to keep things the same. Each must be addressed.

I'm going to tell you what The Fixers, the people protecting the powerful, will be doing next. By anticipating what each type of Fixer will do, you can set traps and catch them in the act.

One type of Fixer is already at work on you now thought the media. They are telling you that there aren't enough smart people with integrity who can stop them from getting away with human trafficking and child rape. Don't believe them.

The 4 Fixers: Thug, Legal, PR and Media

1) Thug fixers intimidate witnesses, their families and prosecutors. The also destroy evidence. Actions:

  • BLACKMAIL or pay off internal people.
  • BREAK INTO evidence lockers.
  • BLOW UP evidence. Photo from Epstein's 2018 island "accidental" explosion)

This is 2019, so expect high tech methods like corrupting copies, tampering with one video to contaminate the credibility of all the other videos. They are going to do this! Use the temptation as a honey pot. There will be more than one group trying to do this.

They will try to reach both victims and their families. Be prepared. Monitor, trace, identify, arrest, prosecute, convict and jail.

2) Legal fixers (Team Dershowitz) use payoffs and non-disclosure agreements to silence witnesses. Actions: Multiple legal maneuvers to delay the case and suppress evidence too.

The trickiest of the fixers, they are the most dangerous, to other fixers.
One way to bust them is to pit them against each other. This is happening right now. One Legal Fixer is working to keep victims quiet about THEIR specific client. They have a victim give out the names of other accused who are already dead, unprotected by power or lack leverage. Notice this Daily Beast story from one victim, Virginia Roberts. She names the accused who are the dead, already been accused and already have a defense strategy and vaguely name others.

From Roberts.

“There was, you know, another foreign president, I can’t remember his name. He was Spanish. There's a whole bunch of them that I just—it’s hard for me to remember all of them. you know, I was told to do something by these people constantly, told to—my whole life revolved around just pleasing these men and keeping Ghislaine and Jeffrey happy. Their whole entire lives revolved around sex.”

Say you are the lawyer for the foreign president, "If you keep my client out of the story there is $12 million Euros in it for you and your family."  The victim's lawyers (and their families) might suggest they take the pay out and sign an NDA.

Some people will say, 'Can you blame them? They won't ever get a conviction, take the money." Others victims' lawyers and their families will say, "Keep fighting! Don't take the pay out!"

My friends who have been in situations like this say, 'Listen to the victims."

People make decisions for lots of reasons,  respect them. We can't force our idea of what is right and what is justice on them. HOWEVER, in this case, since it is such a big case, there are victims who WANT to keep pushing. We can support them.

There are women and their families who have already gone through the intimidation, pay offs and failure of the justice system. They are continuing to fight when others can't. For example these women in the Miami Herald video

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