Bernie Sanders Describes His Vision Of Democratic Socialism
It's not Venezuela, right-wingers.
During Thursday's Democratic debate on ABC News, Bernie Sanders had a good moment when he described his vision of Democratic Socialism.
Jorge Ramos from Univision framed his question to Bernie using typical Fox News vernacular when he compared Sanders' ideas of Democratic Socialism to those from a hard core socialist country like Venezuela.
Bernie said, "To equate what goes on in Venezuela with what I believe is extremely unfair."
"I'll tell you what I believe in terms of Democratic Socialism. I agree with what goes on in Canada and Scandinavia, guaranteeing health care to all people as a human right," he continued. "I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave. I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement."
"You got three people in America owning more wealth than the bottom half of this country. You got a handful of billionaires controlling what goes on in Wall Street, the insurance companies and in the media. Maybe, just maybe, what we should be doing is creating an economy that works for all of us, not 1%. that's my understanding of Democratic Socialism," he concluded.
Bernie and many others aren't trying to get rid of every corporation in America and replace it by government-run entities. We are looking for fairness throughout the workplace and to build a partnership between corporate growth and wealth and the working class. It's really not very difficult to understand.
Asking for social change is not the same as asking for a totalitarian socialist society.