Crazed Rudy Giuliani Lies, Then Admits He Asked Ukraine To Investigate Joe Biden

Rudy's divorce seems to be taking a major toll on him, and Trump has stolen whatever soul he once had.

In a bizarre "interview" with Chris Cuomo on CNN, Rudy Giuliani first denied then admitted he asked Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.

Rudy was practically foaming at the mouth yelling at Cuomo, denigrating his program, CNN, calling it a media coverup and crying about a prosecutor that was discharged.

In the first few minutes, Rudy attacked George Soros, (Of course) Hunter Biden and said Joe Biden convicted himself because he has half his brain power. Rudy then immediately went on to indict himself by lying on national television.

Cuomo asked, "Did you ask Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden?"

"No, actually I didn't," Rudy replied. "I asked Ukraine to investigate the allegations that there was interference in the election of 2016 by the Ukrainians for the benefit of Hillary Clinton..."

Cuomo pressed. "You never asked anything about Hunter Biden? You never asked anything about Joe Biden?"

"The only thing I asked about Joe Biden is to get to the bottom of how it was [garbled) who was appointed dismissed the case against ANTAC, " Giuliani admitted.

(This is a John Solomon special.)

"So you did ask you the Ukraine to look into Joe Biden," Cuomo repeated.

"Of course I did!" Giuliani screamed.

Cuomo yelled back, "You just said you didn't!"

"No, I asked them to look into the allegations which related to my client which tangentially involved Joe Biden in a massive bribery scheme not unlike what he did in China, " Rudy babbled.

One more time, Cuomo tried. "I asked you did you look Ukraine to look at Joe Biden? You said no. Then you went on to say that you did. it's all -- it's all recorded," he reminded Rudy.

It went like this for a full 29 minutes. I won't torture you with it.

Forget Biden's "half-brain," Rudy seems to have Mad Cow disease. It's embarrassing to see him in this state. Of course he's just performing for Trump, who expects his guy to scream and behave like a fool on his behalf. How embarrassing for a man to have become such a classless sellout and bagman for Trump.

Also, he admitted to a crime.

Senator Chris Murphy:

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