Former ICE Director Blames Rep. Jayapal For His Disrespect At Hearing

Taking etiquette cues from his former boss, former ICE director Thomas Homan said that his shameful behavior at a congressional hearing this week was due to Rep. Pramila Jayapal's "lying".

One of the things that is disheartening about the Republican Party over the last 30 years is the slow degradation of respect for the institutions and norms that have held the nation together for 200+ years. With the election of Donald Trump, any shred of abiding by rules of decorum has been obliterated, but let's not kid ourselves, this has been a slow burn for years and all we have now are the ashes.

So former ICE director Thomas Homan's performance at the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship shouldn't be surprising. Given that he was being confronted by a woman of color, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) about the horrendous and torturous conditions at detention centers under his watch, Homan reacted as a true Trumpite would: by angrily going on the offense.

I'm sure that this went over bigly with the MAGAt crowd. They love putting people of color in their place, and concern for other people of color being treated terribly in our names? Pfffft...who cares?

But clearly, some blowback for his outburst got to Homan, because he turned up calling into Fox & Friends for a little image rehab.

"I'm not gonna sit there and let them tell lies about my president, tell lies about the men and women of the Border Patrol and ICE. At a certain point it's like, I'm not gonna shut up.

Just because you have a gavel, doesn't make you queen of the day, it doesn't allow you to lie to the American people," said Homan.

But being president allows you to lie to the American people on average 13 times a day with impunity?

Homan's argument is more than a little pathetic. It displays the same level of white supremacy and grievance of the true Trumper cult that his appearance at the hearing did.

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