Fox News Military Analyst: Execute A Taliban At Guantanamo Whenever A US Soldier Is Killed

Even under the Trump administration, America are still signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

This past weekend Donald Trump claimed he had both scheduled an upcoming meeting at Camp David with the Taliban during the anniversary of 9/11, and also canceled it.

The announcement yielded understandable outrage throughout the country, even among some Republicans.

Yet it also caused some Republican political operatives to forget who the United States of America is supposed to be.

Fox and Friends Sunday then wondered if it was possible to ever get a peace deal between the U.S. and those that sheltered Osama Bin Laden after 9/11.

Retired Staff Sergeant Johnny “Joey” Jones, who lost both his legs to an IED in Afghanistan was asked this question by Trump's favorite presidential fluffer.

His response was bone curdling.

"Joey, I'll start with you, is a good peace deal even possible here?" Hegseth asked.

Joey Jones replied, "I don’t think so. A good peace deal in the sense of is there a good deal for Afghanistan? No. Can there be a good deal for us? The president seems to think so and his advisers do."

However, Jones had an illegal and immoral idea altogether.

He continued, "The first thing I would do today, is every time one of our soldiers dies overseas during these talks, I would go down to Guantanamo and I would execute a Taliban captive. We have to show them that we’re not just looking for an exit strategy."

This is murder, out-right.

Torture is not allowed anymore (well, at least since the dark days of the Bush administration) but Joey Jones thinks executions are the new in thing and are now permissible?

This type of insane action would only make things worse in the world and back at home, but that never stops those angling for more bloodshed.

As much as Trump loves torture, America is still a signatory of the Geneva Conventions .

Fox News should permanently yank the mic on Joey Jones.

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